Small changes in daily activity levels, like doing a little more walking, stair-climbing, chores around the house, and gardening, can burn a lot of calories and have major health benefits. It’s called NEAT—non-exercise activity thermogenesis.
Getting ready for the (actual)(non-metaphorical) storm
Finished reading: The Gutenberg Parenthesis by Jeff Jarvis 📚A thoughtful history of five centuries of print as dominant form of information dissemination, culture and conversation, now closing (hence the parenthesis metaphor) and the internet era now dawning.
Preparing for the hurricane
The pizza delivery guy says the weather outlook is changing rapidly and he is optimistic that when the storm hits it will be weak so that’s good.
Want to read—nonfiction: Reader, Come Home: The Reading Brain in a Digital World by Maryanne Wolf 📚
Want to read—nonfiction: Proust and the Squid by Maryanne Wolf 📚
This weekend we’re supposed to get a hurricane and an invading army of lustful tarantulas. How does your weekend look to be shaping up?
Finder stealing focus on the Mac: Fixing the problem with help from ChatGPT
PB&J: An American Love Story
How "Animal House" changed the world and invented today's Republican Party
“The Warriors” keeps popping up in my Internet wandering. Time to watch it again?
What does the British Home Secretary do?
Jews don't count
Bradley Cooper is getting criticized by Jewish activists who are accusing him of “Jewface” for wearing a prosthetic nose in an upcoming biographical movie about Leonard Bernstein.
To be fair to Cooper, early versions of the movie had him wearing a clown nose, so the current version is better.
Want to read: Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient World by Mary Beard 📚A new book of Roman history by the author of “SPQR”? Yes, please.
The same lawmakers who want to rob their constituents of the right to bodily autonomy have also begun to treat democracy as an obstacle to avoid, not a process to respect. If the people stand in the way of ending abortion, then it’s the people who have to go.
— Republicans Won’t Stop at Banning Abortion, by Jamelle Bouie at the New York Times.
Me, watching @manton ’s video demo of the Epilogue app for “Hey, I just added that book to my want-to-read-list! And that one too! And I’m currently reading that one! OMG, Manton is looking at my blog! I’m Internet-famous now!”
Are kids ever unsupervised anymore?
I saw this while walking with the dog this morning. I was disappointed that I did not see the pig, but it’s probably just as well because I totally would’ve put my fingers through the fence.