Kansas Republicans are fighting to kill Christians and Jews [Zack Budryk/The Hill]
Kansas’s Republican-led legislator overturned the Democratic governor’s ban on gatherings during Easter and Passover.
Kansas legislature strikes down governor’s directive limiting size of religious gatherings
Kansas Republicans are claiming religious persecution, which is ridiculous because (1) The law is designed to save people’s lives and (2) The law does not single out any particular religious denomination or indeed single out religions at all. This is settled law in the US and has been for many, many decades.
The Pope and Saudi Arabia are canceling religious gatherings, including the pilgrimage to Mecca, which is a tradition dating back more than a thousands years and literally the holiest thing that a Muslim man does in his life.
Via Cory Doctorow, who says:
It’s another reminder that the right’s claim that it is the party of rational long-termism rather than squishy bleeding-heart reflex is just bullshit.
There’s literally nothing more politically short-term than dooming your core voters to die gasping deaths in a month because you’re afraid they’ll be angry at you on Easter Sunday. Angry voters might not vote for you. Dead voters can’t.
I do not celebrate anybody’s death but it is really hard to remember that when toxic people are fighting for the right to kill themselves and their followers. But even if I were cold-blooded enough to wish death on my enemies, they’ll take their neighbors and innocent children with them.
Remember this the next time you hear someone say the Republican party is pro-life and pro-common sense.
This is why I am a Democrat.
Sure, the Democratic Party is frequently fucked up – you want to complain about the DNCC, Congressional leadership, and the way the Presidential Primary played out, I’m right there with you.
But the GOP is a criminal conspiracy and death cult.